- Classifications
- Cabinet Makers
- Cable and Wires
- Cable TV Services
- CAD and CAM
- Cafes and Tea Rooms
- Cake Decorating Services
- Calculating Machines
- Calendars Diaries and Year Planners
- Calibration and Test Services
- Call Centres
- Calligraphers
- Camping Equipment Suppliers
- Camping Sites
- Can Manufacturers
- Candles
- Cane Goods and Basketware
- Canvas Goods
- Car Accessories and Parts
- Car Accessory Manufacturers
- Car and Commercial Repairs
- Car and Truck Electrics
- Car Auctions
- Car Audio and Entertainment Systems
- Car Body Repairs
- Car Breakdown and Recovery Services
- Car Breakers and Dismantlers
- Car Component Manufacturers
- Car Credit and Finance
- Car Customizing Specialists
- Car Dealers
- Car Engine Tuning and Diagnostic Services
- Car Hire Chauffeur Driven
- Car Imports
- Car Kit Assemblers
- Car Leasing and Contract Hire
- Car Manufacturers
- Car Paint and Lacquer Manufacturers and Supply
- Car Painters and Sprayers
- Car Parking and Garaging
- Car Radiator Servicing and Repairs
- Car Rental
- Car Security
- Car Transportation
- Car Trimmers and Upholsterers
- Car Valet Services
- Car Washing Services
- Caravan Accessories and Supplies
- Caravan Dealers and Manufacturers
- Caravan Hire and Motorhomes
- Caravan Parks
- Caravan Storage
- Caravan Transport and Towing
- Caravans Servicing and Repairs
- Carbon Products
- Carburettor Services
- Card and Poster Shops
- Careers Advice
- Carers and Home Help Services
- Cargo Handling Services
- Carpenters and Joiners
- Carpet and Fabric Proofing
- Carpet and Upholstery Cleaners
- Carpet Fitting Accessories
- Carpet Manufacturers
- Carpet Planning and Fitting
- Carpets and Rugs
- Carports
- Case Manufacturers
- Cash and Carry
- Cash Registers and Check Out Equipment
- Casinos
- Castings
- Cat Breeders
- Caterers
- Catering Equipment
- Catering Equipment Hire
- Catering Equipment Installation and Maintenance
- Catering Food and Drink Suppliers
- Catering Mobile
- Catering Schools
- Catering Supplies
- CCTV and Video Equipment
- CD and DVD Duplication Supply and Services
- Ceiling Contractors
- Ceilings Suspended
- Cement Manufacturers and Distributors
- Cemeteries and Crematoria
- Central Government
- Central Heating
- Central Heating Installation and Servicing
- Ceramic Manufacturers Supplies and Services
- Certification Bodies
- Chains
- Chainsaws Sales and Service
- Chambers of Commerce
- Chandlers
- Channel Crossing Services
- Charcoal Suppliers
- Charities and Voluntary Organisations
- Charity Shops
- Chartered Surveyors
- Cheese Makers and Suppliers
- Chemical Distributors and Wholesalers
- Chemical Engineers and Consultants
- Chemical Manufacturers and Suppliers
- Chemical Plant and Equipment
- Chemical Recycling and Disposal Services
- Chemicals
- Chemicals and Allied Products
- Chemists Analytical Consulting and Research
- Chemists Dispensing
- Cheque Cashing
- Childcare Services
- Childminders
- Children and Babywear
- Childrens Activity Centres
- Childrens Homes
- Chimney Sweeps
- Chimneys
- China and Glassware Shops
- China and Glassware Wholesale
- China Glass and Pottery
- Chiropodists and Podiatrists
- Chiropractors
- Christmas Goods
- Cider Makers
- Cigars Cigarettes and Tobacco
- Cinema Equipment
- Cinemas
- Circular Distribution Services
- Civil Engineering Contractors
- Civil Engineers
- Cladding Suppliers and Installers
- Claims Investigators
- Clairvoyants and Palmists
- Classic Car Specialists
- Clay and Clay Products
- Cleaning Materials and Equipment
- Cleaning Services Commercial
- Cleaning Services Domestic
- Clocks and Watches
- Clothes Shops
- Clothing Accessory Manufacturers
- Clothing and Fabrics Manufacturers
- Clothing Repairs and Alterations
- Clothing Wholesalers
- Cloud Accounting
- Clubs and Associations
- CNC Machinists
- Coach Hire
- Coal and Coke
- Coal Companies
- Coal Mining
- Coat Hangers
- Coating Specialists
- Coffee Machines
- Coffee Shops
- Coffin Manufacturers
- Coins and Medals
- Cold Rolled Steel
- Cold Storage
- Colleges Higher Education
- Colleges Technical and Agricultural
- Colour Manufacturers and Suppliers
- Combat Games
- Combustion Engineers
- Comics and Magazine Suppliers
- Commercial Insurance
- Commercial Photography
- Commercial Property Agents
- Commercial Schools and Colleges
- Commercial Vehicle Accessories and Spares
- Commercial Vehicle Body Builders
- Commercial Vehicle Breakdown and Recovery Services
- Commercial Vehicle Cleaning
- Commercial Vehicle Component Manufacturers
- Commercial Vehicle Distributors and Dealers
- Commercial Vehicle Manufacturers
- Commercial Vehicle Security
- Commercial Vehicle Servicing and Repairs
- Committees and Panels
- Commodity Brokers
- Communications Systems and Services
- Community Centres
- Community Projects
- Company Formations
- Company Registrar
- Company Registration Agents
- Compensation Claims
- Computer and Telephone Cleaning Services
- Computer Bureau and Facilities Management
- Computer Consultants
- Computer Consumables
- Computer Disposal and Recycling
- Computer Games
- Computer Hardware
- Computer Leasing and Rental
- Computer Maintenance and Repairs
- Computer Manufacturers
- Computer Products
- Computer Security
- Computer Services
- Computer Software
- Computer Support
- Computer Systems
- Computer Systems and Software Development
- Computer Training
- Concert Halls
- Concert Organisers
- Concierge services
- Concrete and Mortar Ready Mixed
- Concrete Contractors
- Concrete Manufacturers and Distributors
- Concrete Products
- Concrete Pumping Services
- Concrete Reinforcements
- Concrete Repairing Services
- Condensation Control
- Confectioners Retail
- Confectionery Manufacturers
- Conference and Banqueting Venues
- Conference Organisers and Specialists
- Conference Rooms and Centres
- Conference Services
- Conference Staging
- Conservation
- Conservatories
- Construction and Building Materials
- Construction and Development
- Construction Equipment
- Construction Management
- Construction Mining and Civil Engineering Machinery
- Construction Services
- Consular Services
- Consulates and Embassies
- Consultants Management Business and Industrial
- Consulting Engineers
- Container Hire and Transport
- Containers
- Contract Furnishers
- Contract Hire
- Control Panels
- Control System Equipment
- Conveyancing Services
- Conveyors and Elevators
- Cookers Sales and Service
- Cooking Apparatus
- Copper and Copper Alloy Manufacturers and Suppliers
- Copying and Duplicating Services
- Copying Machines and Supplies
- Copyright Agents
- Cork Products
- Corn and Seed Merchants
- Corporate Entertainment
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Law
- Correspondence Schools
- Corrosion Prevention and Control
- Corrugated Products
- Cosmetic Surgery
- Cosmetics and Accessories
- Costume Jewellery
- Cotton Type Fibres Manufacturers and Suppliers
- Counselling Services
- Country Clubs
- Couriers Services
- Courts
- Craft Centres and Shops
- Crane Hire Sales and Service
- Crane Manufacturers
- Cranes
- Cranes Lifting
- Credit and Finance Companies
- Credit Cards and Discount Cards
- Credit Institutions Business and Personal
- Credit Management
- Credit Reference Agencies
- Credit Unions
- CRM Systems
- Cruiselines
- Crushing Plants
- Curtain Walling
- Curtains and Blinds
- Curtains Retailers
- Customs and Excise
- Customs Clearance Agents
- Cutlery
- Cutting Services
- Cutting Tools and Machinery
- CV Services
- Cycle Parts and Accessories
- Cycles and Tricycles
- Cycles Renting and Leasing