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Red Viking Rail Ltd Tel: 013022603801 Cavendish Court
South Parade
Doncaster, South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Red Viking Rail Ltd is listed in:
Civil Engineers
Rail Engineering Repair and Maintenance
Railway Equipment
Railway Maintenance
Civil Engineers in South Yorkshire
Rail Engineering Repair and Maintenance in South Yorkshire
Railway Equipment in South Yorkshire
Railway Maintenance in South Yorkshire
Railways in South Yorkshire
Civil Engineers in Doncaster
Rail Engineering Repair and Maintenance in Doncaster
Railway Equipment in Doncaster
Railway Maintenance in Doncaster
Railways in Doncaster
Red Viking is a RISQS-audited business and holder of a Railway Contractors Certificate that specialises in deployment of experienced rail personnel, rail consultancy and the supply/installation of environmental monitoring and integrated electronic security systems. Operating UK-wide and with first-rate customer care at our core, we take pride in ensuring that clients receive great service and excellent value for money – meaning that our relationships are built to last.